Financial Market Roundup
Produced by Fifth Third's Investment Management Group

In the following piece, Fifth Third's Investment Management Group recaps the market and how it reacted to various events in the month of June.


The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) last met on June 12th and held their interest rate unchanged leaving their target range at 5.25%-5.50%. In a prepared statement by the Federal Reserve, it was noted that: “Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace.” Turning to inflation the statement highlighted that, “In recent months, there has been modest further progress toward the Committee’s 2 percent inflation objective.” The statement concluded by providing guidance on what future decisions will be based on: “The Committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent.” During the month of June market participants held expectations relatively static on when rates cuts will begin with cuts expected in September or November 2024.

The European Central Bank (ECB) last met on June 6th and cut their target interest rate by 25 basis points. The decision was informed from “… an updated assessment of the inflation outlook, the dynamics of underlying inflation and the strength of monetary policy transmission, it is now appropriate to moderate the degree of monetary policy restriction after nine months of holding rates steady.” At the end of June, market participants expect 1 or 2 additional 25 basis point cuts from the ECB over the second half of 2024.


Global equities were mixed in June. Domestically, larger companies outperformed smaller companies, with the S&P 500 outperforming the Russell 2500. Within the S&P 500, sector returns were also mixed with 5 sectors posting positive returns, with Information Technology surging ahead by over 9% in June. On the other hand, 6 sectors posted losses with Utilities lagging all other sectors retreating 5.5% this past month.

First quarter earnings for the S&P 500 wrapped up this past month. Actual earnings growth continues to be positive for the index with around 65% of companies detailing positive earnings results for the first quarter. Looking ahead, just over half of the index is set to report second quarter results in July.

The S&P 500 Index rose by 3.6% in June. The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1.2% over the month. The tech heavy NASDAQ Composite rose by 6.0%. International stocks were mostly up with the MSCI All Country World Index of developing and developed market stocks returning 2.3% in June.

The MSCI Emerging Market Index rose by 3.9% in June. The MSCI EAFE Index of developed international equities fell by 1.6% in June.


On June 27th, first quarter U.S. GDP was revised to 1.4%, below the initial estimates of 1.6% and below the prior two quarter’s GDP reports. Despite coming lower than prior quarters, results did detail continued strength for consumers as detailed by personal consumption metrics which were offset by falling inventories.

At this past June’s FOMC meeting the Fed released an update on their Summary of Economic Projections which details the central bank’s outlook on a variety of prospective economic measures. Specifically, investors digested higher inflation projections for 2024 and 2025 paired with unchanged median GDP projections for 2024 and 2025.

During the month of June term points in the U.S. Treasury curve moved lower. Specifically, the U.S. Treasury 2-year yield fell 12 basis point to 4.75% while the 10-year fell 10 basis points to 4.40%. The results of these changes netted a less inverted curve with the 2/10 inversion compressing to 35 basis points.

Mortgage Rates moved lower in June as the Freddie Mac 30- year Primary Mortgage Market Survey fell to 6.86% on June 27th down 17 basis points from May 30th.